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Specified Contributions can be designated to the following programs:
Placemaker Parties
Holland House
Rolling in Faith General Fund (no specification of how your donation is utilized.)
To designate your gift please select 'Dedicate this Gift' on the donation page above and enter your desired specification into the 'Dedicatee's Name' box. *Gifts made in honor of Elizabeth Elefritz go directly to our Placemaker Parties program.
We believe strongly in the importance of preparing for the future while presently honoring those who have impacted our organization. As an organization, Rolling in Faith, created an endowment fund through the Southern Illinois Community Foundation. This is a designated fund, and donations to this fund will be used exclusively for the following purposes: general operating, facilities, and transportation needs. We opened this fund in honor of our participant and friend, Heather May who passed away late last year. With this endowment, we are able to plan for the future of our organization, while honoring the life and influence that Heather had on our organization for years to come! Donations to this fund can be made by clicking the button above.
Questions: [email protected] Rolling in Faith Corporation is a registered 501(c)3 organization. TAX-ID: 84-4582302 Receipts for transactions less than $250 can be sent by request as all donations are tax deductible.